# Roblox Input Bindings Time:5 分钟 When choosing `enum/KeyCode|KeyCode` values for `ContextActionService`/`UserInputService` or detecting `Mouse` events, be aware that some bindings are reserved by Roblox, are mapped to a built-in feature, or are mapped to default controls. Unless you take precautions to avoid binding conflicts, these inputs should **not** be assigned to your game’s custom control bindings. ## Roblox-Reserved Bindings The following bindings are **reserved by Roblox** and cannot be changed, disabled, or overridden. Key Codes and Events Action **Escape** `Enum.KeyCode.Escape` Roblox menu **F9** `Enum.KeyCode.F9` `articles/Developer Console|Developer Console` **F11** `Enum.KeyCode.F11` Fullscreen mode **F12** `Enum.KeyCode.F12` Record video (Windows only) **Control** \+ **Shift** \+ **F7** (Windows) `Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightControl` + `Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightShift` + `Enum.KeyCode.F7` **Control** \+ **Alt** \+ **F7** (Mac) `Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightControl` + `Enum.KeyCode.LeftAlt`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightAlt` + `Enum.KeyCode.F7` Performance stats **Control** \+ **F6** `Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightControl` + `Enum.KeyCode.F6` Show Microprofiler **Control** \+ **P** `Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightControl` + `Enum.KeyCode.P` Pause Microprofiler, if showing **PrintScreen** (Windows) `Enum.KeyCode.Print` **Control** \+ **Shift** \+ **3** (Mac) `Enum.KeyCode.LeftControl`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightControl` + `Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightShift` + `Enum.KeyCode.Three` Take screenshot ## Default Player Bindings These bindings are **Roblox defaults**, but you can override them via control scripts or `articles/Camera manipulation|camera scripts`. Note, however, that most Roblox players are accustomed to and familiar with these controls, so you should only override them in specific cases. Key Codes and Events Action **W** / **Up** `Enum.KeyCode.W` `Enum.KeyCode.Up` Move forward **S** / **Down** `Enum.KeyCode.S` `Enum.KeyCode.Down` Move backward **A** `Enum.KeyCode.A` Move left **D** `Enum.KeyCode.D` Move right **Space** `Enum.KeyCode.Space` Jump **Left** `Enum.KeyCode.Left` Rotate camera left **Right** `Enum.KeyCode.Right` Rotate camera right `Mouse/Button2Down` Turn camera **Shift** `Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift`/`Enum.KeyCode.RightShift` Toggle mouselock (player setting if `StarterPlayer/EnableMouseLockOption|EnableMouseLockOption` is enabled) `Mouse/WheelForward` / `Mouse/WheelBackward` Zoom in/out **I** `Enum.KeyCode.I` Zoom in **O** `Enum.KeyCode.O` Zoom out ## Feature-Specific Bindings These bindings are reserved unless you **disable the respective feature** via `StarterGui/SetCoreGuiEnabled|SetCoreGuiEnabled()`: * The **Backpack** bindings can be freed by setting `enum/CoreGuiType|Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack` to `false`. * The **Chat** binding can be freed by setting `enum/CoreGuiType|Enum.CoreGuiType.Chat` to `false`. * The **Playerlist** binding can be freed by setting `enum/CoreGuiType|Enum.CoreGuiType.PlayerList` to `false`. Key Codes and Events Feature Action **Backquote** `Enum.KeyCode.Backquote` Backpack Backpack **0** / **1** / **2** / **3** / **4** / **5** / **6** / **7** / **8** / **9** `Enum.KeyCode.Zero` `Enum.KeyCode.One` `Enum.KeyCode.Two` `Enum.KeyCode.Three` `Enum.KeyCode.Four` `Enum.KeyCode.Five` `Enum.KeyCode.Six` `Enum.KeyCode.Seven` `Enum.KeyCode.Eight` `Enum.KeyCode.Nine` Backpack Equip/unequip tools `Mouse/Button1Down` Backpack Use tool **Backspace** `Enum.KeyCode.Backspace` Backpack Drop tool **Slash** `Enum.KeyCode.Slash` Chat Chat **Tab** `Enum.KeyCode.Tab` Playerlist Show/hide player list ***__Roblox官方链接__:[Roblox Input Bindings](https://developer.roblox.com/zh-cn/articles/input-bindings)