Avatar Emotes


In addition to the default articles/Lua Chat System|chat and opt-in articles/Avatar Context Menu|Avatar Context Menu, Roblox players can express what they’re feeling through emotes.

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Depending on the platform, the emote menu can be opened as follows:

Platform Method

PC / Mobile Click/tap the https://developer.roblox.com/assets/blt2ee60d0984800c91/Emotes-Menu-Icon.png

button from the top menu bar.

Console Access it from the radial menu.

Controlling the Emotes Menu

Customizing the Menu

The emotes menu can be customized by loading and “equipping” emotes from the catalog. In a script, this can be done by calling HumanoidDescription/SetEmotes|SetEmotes() on a player’s HumanoidDescription object. Once set, specific emotes can be equipped via the HumanoidDescription/SetEquippedEmotes|SetEquippedEmotes() API.

Consider the following example which may be placed in a LocalScript within StarterCharacterScripts:

    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
    local humanoidDescription = humanoid.HumanoidDescription
    -- 加载自定义表情
    local emoteTable = {
    	["Hello"] = {3576686446},
    	["Stadium"] = {3360686498},
    	["Tilt"] = {3360692915},
    	["Shrug"] = {3576968026},
    	["Salute"] = {3360689775},
    	["Point"] = {3576823880}
    -- 以指定顺序装备表情
    local equippedEmotes = {"Hello", "Stadium", "Tilt", "Shrug", "Salute", "Point"}


  • emoteTable 内的 ["Shrug"]["Salute"] 等键名称是可以自定义的。当玩家浏览菜单选项时,这些键名称将出现在表情菜单的中心。

  • equippedEmotes 表中键名称的顺序定义了菜单中表情的显示顺序,从第一个位置(轮盘顶部)开始按顺时针顺序排列。

  • 表情菜单包含 8 个位置。如果您没有 8 个要加载的自定义表情,请考虑重复一些键,用总共 8 个条目填充 equippedEmotes 表,以确保菜单中没有空位。

Opening/Closing the Menu

To forcibly open or close the emotes menu, call GuiService/SetEmotesMenuOpen|GuiService:SetEmotesMenuOpen() with a boolean value of true or false.

    -- 打开表情菜单
    local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")

If you need to detect whether the emotes menu is open, call GuiService/GetEmotesMenuOpen|GuiService:GetEmotesMenuOpen(). This will return a boolean indicating the menu’s current state.

Disabling the Menu

The emotes menu can be disabled via the StarterGui/SetCoreGuiEnabled|StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() API. Note, however, that disabling the menu will not prevent emotes from being performed with an articles/Lua Chat System|admin command.

    local StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui")
    StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.EmotesMenu, false)


除了禁用菜单外,您还可以通过关闭 StarterPlayerCharacter 中的 UserEmotesEnabled 选项来禁用用户已拥有表情的加载。请注意,此属性只能在 Studio 中设置,不能在运行时由脚本设置,但它可以由脚本读取。

Playing Emotes

To explicitly play an emote that a character has in its HumanoidDescription, call the Humanoid/PlayEmote|Humanoid:PlayEmote() API, passing the string name of the emote. This call will return true to indicate that the emote was played successfully, or false otherwise.

    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local humanoid = Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid

***Roblox官方链接:Avatar Emotes